35th Annual Woodcarving Show and Sale
May 3 & 4, 2014
North Arkansas Woodcarvers' 35th Annual Show and Sale was held
May 3 and 4, 2014 at the Baxter County Fairgrounds in Mountain
Home, Arkansas. Carvers, their guests and woodcarving vendors
came to the Ozarks to exhibit, compete, demonstrate, visit and
sell their carvings/wood turnings/carving supplies. More than
147 ribbons, plaques and awards were presented including 52 cash
prizes throughout the weekend. The competition's judge, Randy
Landen, carefully scrutinized 229 carvings entered for judging
from the 48 categories. Randy was assisted by NAWC club members
Roberta Dulaney; recorder; Debra Bergum, photographer; Gary Smith,
announcer; Dick Dulaney, carving entry table; Norm Rutledge, carving
entry handler; Bonnie Davis and Sandy Smith, show coordinators.
Barb Edelbrock and Deen Shirkey arranged for coffee and for club
members to bake tasty treats for Saturday morning. Weekend volunteers
DJ and Cathy Mattox, Jami Pierson, John Siebrandt, Don and Arlene
Lesiak, Bill Weingart, Rick and Lynda Heydt, Debbie Shook, Roberta
Dulaney and Jackie Miller worked the entrance table making sure
that everyone visiting the show was warmly greeted and received
a door prize ticket as well as a People's Choice Ballot. Admission
for both days was free, but donations are always greatly appreciated
and "encouraged". Janet and Tom Cardwell, Ray Killen, Deb and
Ray Moffett, Bob Shaffer, Marty Well, Robert Baser, Karen Rutledge,
and Diane Gumm did a wonderful job selling tickets at the raffle
table. Ray Killen's salesmanship skills proved outstanding as
his "Ark" raffle ticket sales were record breaking. Delores Hines,
Debbie Shook, Jami Pierson, Claude Roper, Sue Windeknecht, and
Karen Rutledge took turns manning the door prize table where drawings
were held every half hour. Barb Edelbrock, Deen Shirkey, Margaret
Killen, Marge Clements, Penny and Marty Wells, Mary Ragan, Robert
Baser, Claude Roper, Sue Windeknecht, Mary Adair, and Pat Walsh
handled the club tables selling T-shirts, mugs, hats, NAWC patches,
memberships, carvings for charity, etc. Walt Zimmerman was our
Saturday evening's Security Guard…many thanks for to Walt for
a "job well done!"
year the NAWC club membership created a wonderful "Ark" complete
with animals, and a "Spool Lamp" to use as their 2014 raffle projects.
The drawing for each of these works of art will be in December.
The "Ark" consists of Noah, his wife and 25 pairs of animals.
The ""Spool Lamp" has 36 "nature related" spools.
interest was generated for all our raffle items, shown by the
number of tickets sold for each. Many thanks to the kind and talented
carvers that donated their time and carving skills to create the
raffle and door prizes.
carvers volunteered their time, shared their knowledge and demonstrated
their skills in showing all that were interested how to change
a piece of wood into an artful masterpiece. Demonstrators were:
Billy Barrett (game calling turning), Frank Nixon (wood turning),
Wanda Harrigan (dolls), Mary Waldeck (relief), and Kenneth Higgins
(bowls and tops).
evening's banquet dinner/auction was held at the Elks. A Chinese
auction offering tools, carvings, books, and many "interesting"
items was set up and the participation was wonderful. Plaques
were presented to competition winners in attendance. Dick Todd
cut and finished the wonderful walnut bases for the plaques and
the engraving on the plaques was provided by The Locker Room,
a Mountain Home sporting goods shop. The Chinese Auction went
without a hitch and there were many happy recipients of the prizes.
This auction is used to generate funds for next year's show. Sincere
gratitude goes to all club members and non-members that collected/carved/donated
auction items and door prizes.
place Best Of Show honors went to Neil Nulton of Wichita, Kansas;
Second Place Best Of Show, Deb Bergum of Lakeview, Arkansas; Third
Place Best Of Show, Phil Wiles of Norfork, AR. Best Table Display
honors were awarded to Tommy Johnson of Mountain Home, Arkansas,
and People's Choice honors went to Neil Nulton of Wichita, Kansas.
The Caricature Carvers of America were represented by Randy Landen
and Sandy Smith, and the CCA Award was presented by them to Mike
Mayberry of Brandon, MS.
of the Novice / Open Division competition, listed as category
then place won - first, second, third and honorable mention were:
Novice - Instructor Assisted: Mary Ragan, Diane Gumm.
Novice - "In the Round": Marty Wells, Mary Ragan, Diane
Novice - Relief: Diance Gumm, Mary Ragan.
Novice - Caricature: Mary Ragan.
Novice - Miscellaneous: Marty Wells, Bob Axel, Mary Ragan.
Realistic Human Figure (single): Bruce Blihovde, Bruce
Futterer, Chuck Bailey.
Realistic Human Bust (single): Steve Mendelson, Dick Dulaney,
Monty Anglen.
Realistic Animal (single): BDavid Duncan.
Realistic Animal Bust (single): BDavid Duncan, David Hoblit,
Denny Villwok.
Realistic Group: BDavid Duncan, Larry Rehma, Dick Dulaney.
Realistic Fish / Marine / Aquatic Life (single or group):
Gary Turner, BDavid Duncan, Russ Biros.
Song Bird (single or group): Neil Nulton, Larry Rehma,
BDavid Duncan.
Bird of Prey: BDavid Duncan, Neil Nulton.
Shorebird: Neil Nulton, BDavid Duncan, Dick Dulaney.
Game Bird: Neil Nulton, Larry Rehma, BDavid Duncan.
Ducks / Waterfowl (single or group): Neil Nulton, Larry
Rehma, BDavid Duncan.
Caricature Human (single): Steve Mendelson, Denny Villwok,
Mike Mayberry, Constance Hardt.
Caricature Human or Animal in a Scene: Sandy Smith, Jon
Nelson, Mike Mayberry.
Caricature Animal, Bird or Fish (single): Sandy Smith,
Troy Sutton, Mary Waldeck.
Caricature Bust: Steve Mendelson, Bruce Blihovde, Chuck
Caricature Group: Larry Rehma, Mike Mayberry, Denny Villwok.
Pyrography - Buildings / Structures: Jackie Miller, Deen
Pyrography - Miscellaneous: Carol Wherry, BDavid Duncan,
David Hoblit, Karen Myers.
Driftwood: BDavid Duncan, Wanda Harrigan, Paul Baumann
Bark Carving: Bruce Futterer, Montey Anglen, Pete Mahoney.
Relief - Buildings / Structures: Mary Waldeck, Mary Adair.
Relief - Humans: Bruce Futterer, Steve Mendelson, Connie
Relief - Animal(s), Bird(s), Insect(s), Fish, etc: Bruce
Futterer, BDavid Duncan, Jackie Miller, Bruce Blihovde.
Relief - Miscellaneous: Deb Bergum, Russ Viron, Ron Ufkes,
Mary Waldeck.
Chip Carving / Positive Image/Gouge: Warren Rauscher, Carol
Wherry, Scott Powers.
Chip Carving / Negative Image: Warren Rauscher, Carol Wherry,
Tommy Johnson.
Jewelry: BDavid Duncan, Mary Adair, Wanda Harrigan.
Novelties / Bottle Stoppers: Billy Barrett, Bruce Futterer,
Connie Hardt.
Dolls / Marionettes: Wanda Harrigan, Connie Hardt.
Paul Baumann III, BDavid Duncan, Stew Blain, Mary Adair.
Canes / Staffs: BDavid Duncan, Steve Mendelson, Paul Baumann
Santa Claus: Jon Nelson, Pete Mahoney, Mary Adair.
Holiday Items: Bruce Futterer, Karen Myers, Jon Nelson,
Wanda Harrigan.
Mythical & Carousel Figures: Bruce Futterer, Paul Baumann
III, Jackie Miller, Steve Mendelson.
Wood Turning - Bowls / Goblets / Vases: Phil Wiles, Frank
Nixon, Billy Barrett, Darcie Didden.
Wood Turning - Pens: Billy Barrett, Darcie Didden, Wanda
All Other Turnings: Ron Ufkes Phil Wiles, Billy Barrett.
Stylized: Neil Nulton, Tom Mayfield, BDavid Duncan.
Miniature: Paul Baumann III, Jon Nelson, Bruce Futterer,
Carol Wherry.
Rough-outs: Montey Anglen, Denny Villwok, Pete Mahoney.
Instructor Assisted: Sandy Smith, Mary Adair, Sid Edelbrock.
Miscellaneous: Neil Nulton, Russ Biros, Stew Blain, Denny
Sunday, carvers got a chance to mingle and catch up with acquaintances
until the afternoon. The "Unlimited Hand Tools" Whittling Contest
was again a popular event. There were 8 carvers entered in the
afternoon's "Whittling Contest". Participating carvers were Chuck
Bailey of Flippin, AR; Bruce Futterer of Russellville, AR; Stew
Blain of Lampe, MO; BDavid Duncan of Harrison, AR; Steve Mendelson
of Memphis, TN; Jon Nelson of Colorado Springs, CO; Sonia Nelson
of Clarkridge, AR; and Denny Villwok of Galena, MO. Carvers were
given a time limit of 1 hour plus a 10-minute break after the
first 30 minutes. Gary Smith graciously agreed to be the contest's
announcer and did a spectacular job. The carvers were allowed
unlimited hand tools, given a block of basswood, and instructed
to carve "anything patriotic". Larry Yudis, Randy Landen and Tim
Heinecke judged the results. First, second and third place winners
received a plaque from NAWC, plus a Woodcraft Shop gift certificate
and a choice of a Helvie "Sandy Smith" Signature Knife, Mike Shipley's
OCCT Knives and Turned Pens by Bob Shaffer. Bruce
Futterer placed first; BDavid Duncan - second, and Jon Nelson
- third. Special thanks go to Larry and Carol Yudis for their
generous gift certificate donation, Tim and Robyn Heinecke for
the basswood, The Locker Room for the engraving, and Dick Todd
for the walnut bases for the plaques.
thanks go to all participants and to the club members and their
spouses who graciously volunteered their time to make it all happen.
Heartfelt appreciation go to the vendors, businesses, club members,
visiting carvers and friends who donated money, merchandise and
their time to help make the show a success. Special thanks go
to the "sign committee" who trekked through high grasses and drizzle
to set up and break down the club's wooden signs making sure that
the public knew when and where the show was to be held. The "sign
committee" members were Paul Baumann, Curt Shirkey, Bonnie Davis,
Dick Dulaney, and Gary and Sandy Smith. Our appreciation also
goes to the members and their spouses who worked behind the scenes
on the Friday before the show and then on Sunday after closing
to assist vendors and carvers in the unloading and reloading of
their products and carvings. And a deep debt of gratitude for
those members who took time out to help set up tables and chairs
and generally assist us in getting everything aligned just right.
Without everyone's generous help and support the show could not
have been possible. The Show Committee is already discussing plans
for our next show. Adina Huckins of West Fork, AR, has accepted
our offer to be our judge at the 36th Annual Show to be held May
2 & 3, 2015. See you there!
Photos by Deb Bergum